Bluehost Web Hosting Help
IP Deny Manager Tool
This tool will block anyone from a specified IP address. This will stop people from a particular IP address from being able to visit your site.
- Finding out a visitor's IP Address
- How to block an IP address or Domain
- How to unblock the IP address
- Deny All
Finding out a visitor's IP Address
Using the web statistics tools, one can find more information on their visitors. We suggest going to cPanel and clicking the Latest Visitors icon. This tool will show the Host information of visitors; it could be an IP address or a domain name.
How to block an IP address or Domain
- Log in to your Bluehost cPanel account.
- Under Security click on the IP Deny Manager icon.
- Under "Add an IP to deny", enter the IP address or domain name to block.
- Click the Add button.
How to unblock the IP address
- Log in to your Bluehost cPanel account.
- Under Security click on the IP Deny Manager icon.
- At the bottom, under "Current IP addresses being blocked", click the red "X" icon under the Remove column.
Deny All
You can also set an option for deny from all, which will deny everyone.
This must be done by coding your .htaccess file as follows:
deny from all
allow from
allow from #My IP address
See the article on How to Edit Your .htaccess File for generic instructions that apply to all .htaccess changes.
WARNING! It is possible to block access to yourself accidentally by using this method.
Be sure to allow access for your IP address. Otherwise, you will be blocked as well. You can find out your current IP address by visiting If you accidentally block yourself, please contact Bluehost via live chat or telephone. You will need to confirm your identity ("verify your account") before we can unblock your IP.

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