Bluehost Web Hosting Help
Glance: Sharing your Screen with Support
Glance is a screen sharing application that allows us to provide you with quick, quality assistance. With this tool, support agents will be able to view your screen in real-time to direct your actions as needed to resolve issues.
How to Share your Screen
- Once logged into your account, navigate to our Remote Help page.
- Read and agree to the Terms of Service, then click Accept. The download will begin automatically.
- Click on the downloaded file and allow the file to run.
- After running the Glance file, a popup window will appear with a session code.
Note: If you do not see a pop-up with a session code, try refreshing the page or click Having Trouble? to find a prompt to start Glance.
- Provide your support agent with the session code. Once entered, they will be able to see your screen and provide more personalized assistance.
- To end the session, click on the red X "END" button.

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