Bluehost Web Hosting Help
Help Content Tagged Reseller - 27 results 
Wildcard SSL Certificates
How to use a WildCard SSL Certificate
VPS or Dedicated Hosting - Reseller Account Transfers
To help with transferring of accounts from other servers to your account.
Configuring Name Servers for Your Reseller Main Domain Registered With a 3rd Party.
Using Your Custom Name Servers for Domains Registered With a 3rd Party.
Getting Started - Reseller
A quick guide to using your Reseller account
Delete a resold account in WHM
How to terminate a resold account using WHM
How to Add a New Hosting Account
Using WHM to add a resold account to your reseller account.
Assigning A Dedicated IP Address To A Customer
How to assign a dedicated IP addresses for a Reseller's Customer Account.
Specifying default Name Servers for a reseller account
How to specify the default Name Servers on a reseller account
Reseller - Add a package
How to create a package on your Reseller account.
Upgrading or Downgrading Features on a resold account
How to upgrade or downgrade a resold acccount
Custom Reseller Login Page
How to create a custom Reseller Login page
Suspending / Unsuspending a Resold account
How to suspend or unsuspend a resold account using WHM
Reseller Hosting Prices
Prices for Reseller Hosting and Reseller related addons
Force a password change for a Resold account
How to force a resold account's owner to update their password
Automatic Account Creation using ClientExec
How to automatically create accounts using ClientExec
Installing the WildCard SSL on a Reseller account
How to install the provided WildCard SSL on a reseller account
Where to Log In to Your Reseller Account
Explanation as to where a reseller and their customers will login to access their sites
Changing the Password for a Resold Account
How to change the password for a Resold account.
Whitescreen Error in Customers cPanel
How to fix the error where your customers see only a whitescreen in the cPanel
What billing software is provided for Resellers?
How to install ClientExec or WHMCS on your Reseller account.
Error "Sorry, a group for that username already exists."
Creating a resold account causes the error "Sorry, a group for that username already exists."
SSH/Shell access for Resold account(s)?
How to enable/turn on SSH access for Resold accounts
cPanel says "You are logged in using the root or reseller password."
Explanation of the cause of the warning and how to remove it.
Checking the Disk Space used by a Resold account.
this is how you see how much disk space your resold accounts are using
Configure Customer Contacts in WHM
How to update the Customer Contacts on a reseller account.
Useful Links
Useful links for accessing the reseller WHM, cPanel and Webmail
Broken Bluehost Theme on Sub cPanels
The Bluehost cpanel theme will not work correctly on sub cpanels that are created through the WHM. This article will explain how to change the theme.